
The operators that are defined by the compiler or standard libarary are as follows:

Operator Bytecode name Type Operand/s Description
+ add Binary Any numeric type Performs addition on the operands
- minus Binary Any numeric type Performs subtraction on the operands
* multiply Binary Any numeric type Performs multiplication on the operands
** pow Binary Doubles Raises the first operand to the power of the other
/ divide Binary Any numeric type Performs division on the operands
% mod Binary Any numeric type Calculates the remainder of the operands
! optional_unwrap An optional value Unwraps the optional value
! bool_not A boolean Inverts the operand
\ \ or Binary Booleans Returns true if either of the operands are true
&& and Binary Booleans Returns true if both of the operands are true
\ bit_or Binary Any numeric type Returns the bitwise OR result of the operands
^ bit_xor Binary Any numeric type Returns the bitwise XOR result of the operands
& bit_and Binary Any numeric type Returns the bitwise AND result of the operands
== equal Binary Any type Returns true if the operands are equal to each other
!= not_equal Binary Any type Returns true if the operands are not equal to each other
< less Binary Any numeric type Returns true if the first operand is less than the second
> greater Binary Any numeric type Returns true if the first operand is greater than the second
<= less_equal Binary Any numeric type Returns true if the first operand is less than or equal to the second
>= greater_equal Binary Any numeric type Returns true if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second
<< left_shift Binary Integers Shifts the first operand left by a number of bits, denoted by the second operand
>> right_shift Binary Integers Shifts the first operand right by a number of bits, denoted by the second operand
>>> logical_right_shift Binary Integers The same as the right shift but performs an arithmetic shift instead
=== value_equality Binary Either optional or non-optional Objects Returns operand1.equals(operand2). It handles null cases too.
?? not_null Binary An optional object and a non-optional object Returns the first operand if it is not null, else it returns the second operand

Operator types

An operator can either be binary, postfix or prefix. Binary operators appear in between two expressions. Prefix operators appear on the left of a single expression, and postfix operators appear on the right.

Operator bytecode names

The operator bytecode name is the name that an operator's overloads take in the generated bytecode. The operators themselves (such as +) are not accepted as valid names by the JVM.

Operator definitions

You can create your own operators and overload them. An operator definition is denoted by the operator keyword, the operator itself (e.g. ++), an equals sign, a type and then the bytecode name. Binary operators must then also provide an associativity and then a precedence.

operator ! = type: prefix, name: bool_not

The above example is the deifnition of the boolean NOT operator in the standard library.

operator ** = type: binary, name: pow, assoc: none, prec: 120

The above example is the deifnition of the "pow" operator in the standard library.

Operator definitions can only be present in definition files and custom operators are overloaded in the same way as normal operator overloads. An opeator can be defined as prefix, binary and postfix.