
Modifiers are keywords that are used to modify a member (class, enum, interface, field, function et.c). Below is a list of the keywords offered by Ash:

  • public: Makes the member accessible outside of this class or this file. This member is used by default.
  • private: Makes this member inaccessible outside of the current class.
  • protected: Makes this member only visible to this type and its sub-types.
  • static: Makes this member only accessible by prefixing the member with the class name, e.g the pow() function inside the Math class is static and is accessed by using Math.pow().
  • final: When used on a class, it makes the class non-extendable. When used on a function, it makes the function non-overridable.
  • native: Desnotes that the function is implemented in native code, rather than in Java.
  • override: Denotes that this function is overriding a super-type function.